The University of Siena PhD Course in
Medical Biotechnologies
General information & Training offer
In the PhD in Medical Biotechnology, PhD students will be involved in research projects related to Microbiology, Immunology, Vaccines, Pathological Anatomy and Biomaterials of Odontostomatology. The general training objective is to provide in-depth biomedical and technological knowledge that will enable the Doctor of Research to plan and implement research projects for biotechnology, diagnosis, treatment and disease prevention.
IMMUNOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY: Candidates will acquire a solid basic training and thorough knowledge on specific aspects of human pathology so that they can develop innovative biotechnologies for diagnosis and therapy.
MICROBIOLOGY AND VACCINE: The doctoral program's objective is to provide in-depth biomedical and technological knowledge that will enable the research doctor to program and implement biotechnological applications for the diagnosis, therapy and prevention of infectious diseases.
ODOMOSTOMATOLOGICAL BIOMATERIALS: PhD students will acquire the experimental procedures of dentistry, knowledge of biomaterials (adhesives, reconstructions, implants); to master the technologies that guide the clinical application of materials used in dentistry; to study biocompatibility of biomaterials and their use in techniques involving the application of stem cells; to evaluate the clinical application of biomaterials.
The employment opportunities for the Medical Research Doctor are available in: National Healthcare Facilities, hospital companies and public and private specialized laboratories; Universities and other public and private research organizations; biotechnology, diagnostics and pharmaceutical industry. Of course, since in their work doctorates will be in contact with researchers and research facilities in other European and North American countries, their job placement can easily be done in an international environment.
First year course.
Once admitted, students will meet with each teacher to discuss the research programs that take place in the various groups and to check availability for their participation. At this stage, before deciding which research group to associate, students will also be able to attend the various laboratories to directly understand the activity they are doing. Each student, depending on the availability, will choose an advisor, that is, a teacher who will be responsible for his / her training course and will also be the supervisor of his PhD thesis. The student will attend the chosen laboratory, acquire theoretical knowledge and basic practices, and collaborate with ongoing research projects. As soon as possible (within the first six months), the student and his / her advisor will agree on the specific project the student will dedicate to, and that will be the subject of his thesis.
Second and third years course.
The student works on his research project, developing both the ability to decide and act autonomously, and the ability to collaborate with other researchers. In particular, it will be encouraged to cooperate with other teachers of the faculty board, as well as to contact other researchers both in Italy and abroad in order to establish collaborations useful for conducting research. In this course the student will be guided and advised by all members of faculty board.
PhD students will spend from 70% to 90% of their time in laboratory using the current techniques of molecular genetics and cell biology. The remaining 10% of the time will be devoted to lessons and seminars held by Faculty Board or foreign professors (see below “seminars” for those already held). Every year, students present the state of their research in a public seminar. Based on this seminar and on reaching at least 60 credits, it is decided on the admission to the following year. Credits can be obtained as follows: - Annual Presentation (Presentation max 5; Content max 5; Questions +/- 1; Final test max 4) - Publication on international journal (30 credits if first author, 10 credits if co-author) - Participation at congress with abstract presentation (6 credits for international congress, 3 credits for national congress) - Laboratory / Clinical activity during the year (max 20 credits per year) - Active participation to progress reports, seminars and lessons (1 credit each) - National stages (1 credit/week) - International stages (2 credits/week) - Patent (5 credits) - Collaboration to teaching activity (max 4 credits for each course for which the PhD student is appointed "collaboratore alla didattica") . The PhD is awarded after discussion of an original scientific work. This must be written in English.